What is the weather like on Aore Island
The weather on Aore is typically warm and tropical year-round.
The country experiences a wet season from November to April, with heavy rainfall and occasional cyclones.
The dry season from May to October brings cooler temperatures and less rainfall.
Average temperatures range from around 23c - 29.5c - 75°F to 85°F throughout the year.
Aore receives an average annual rainfall of about 2,300 millimeters (90 inches). Rainfall can vary significantly between different parts of the country, with some areas receiving more rainfall than others. The wettest months on Aore are typically from November to April.
Vanuatu experiences some seismic activity due to its location along the Pacific Ring of Fire, a region that is occasionally prone to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
On average, Vanuatu experiences several earthquakes per year, with varying degrees of magnitude. Some earthquakes may be small and go unnoticed. The frequency of earthquakes in Vanuatu can vary, but the risk of seismic activity is consistently present in the region.
Vanuatu Island
PC Murray Pty Ltd
Phoenix Plantation
Beachfront on Aore Airbnb
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